Does Hotjar Slow Down Your Site?

Yes, Hotjar can slow down your site. This slowdown largely depends on how Hotjar is implemented; however - optimizations like asynchronous loading, sampling, image compression, and CDN usage can help mitigate potential performance impacts and keep any speed reductions to a minimum while providing important user behavior insights.
Written by
Fredrick Eghosa
Published on
October 2, 2023
Read time
10 mins

Does Hotjar Slow Down My Site?

Yes, Hotjar can slow down your site. This slowdown largely depends on how Hotjar is implemented; however - optimizations like asynchronous loading, sampling, image compression, and CDN usage can help mitigate potential performance impacts and keep any speed reductions to a minimum while providing important user behavior insights.

At Deepbux, we aim to help website owners increase conversion rates by providing tools to track, analyze, and engage visitors. We understand owners need insights to optimize the user experience without compromising site performance. Any additional JavaScript can potentially slow down a site. Many of our customers utilize services like Hotjar, which research shows can slow load times. Seeing this firsthand in working with clients, we decided to dive into how much of an impact Hotjar has on site speeds. 

In this article, we seek to address those concerns by examining exactly how Hotjar works and its potential effects on performance. 

How Does Hotjar Work?

Hotjar is a user experience analytics tool that allows companies to visualize how visitors engage with a website. It works by injecting a small snippet of JavaScript into the pages it is tracking. This script then watches for DOM changes and user interactions like clicks, scrolls, and hovers. When these events occur, Hotjar logs the associated data, which can later be viewed in its dashboard. 

Hotjar's tracking script is designed to have minimal impact on site speed, which is important for user experience and search engine optimization. The script loads asynchronously in two parts - the first contains Hotjar's configuration settings for that particular site. Loading asynchronously means the script does not block or delay other page assets from loading. However, any additional JavaScript, no matter how small, will have some effect on performance. According to our research, Hotjar adds approximately 500 milliseconds to average page load times.

Hotjar loads its tracking code asynchronously to avoid blocking the loading of other page elements. This allows the main HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets to load initially without delay. Then, the Hotjar script loads in the background without interrupting the user experience. As a data company, this approach aligned with one of our principles of prioritizing site speed.

How Does Hotjar Affect Site Performance?

We understand the importance of analyzing user behavior to improve our services. Tools like Hotjar allow us to visualize how visitors interact with our website. This provides valuable insights to enhance the user experience. Hotjar allows us to visualize how visitors interact with our website. 

However, we also recognize that every additional script has the potential to impact site speed. Some key things to understand about Hotjar’s performance on sites:

  • Every piece of JavaScript, including Hotjar's tracking code, uses system resources that could slow a page down. However, Hotjar is designed to have minimal impact as it only collects data in modern browsers that efficiently execute code.
  • Still, some users report more significant slowdowns after installing Hotjar. One study found it increased load times by almost a second on average. With Google recommending pages load within 2 seconds, this is worth noting. 
  • Hotjar's recordings and heatmap tracking capture cursor position, scroll position, and clicks every 100ms (10 times per second) in supported browsers using efficient APIs. This frequent, lightweight collection aims to have low overhead and operates seamlessly on modern browsers.
  • Data collection starts when the Hotjar code loads and isn't manually started/stopped. It tracks across all pages with the code to get a full picture of journeys.
  • Mutations to the page, like clicks, are captured using the built-in MutationObserver API. This integrates the tracking directly into events already happening rather than adding extra processing.

To strike a balance, we carefully consider Hotjar's potential impact versus the insights we gain. We also work to optimize our site performance through techniques like code optimization, image compression, and cache configuration. This helps ensure tools like Hotjar don't negatively affect our users' experience.

The Impact of Hotjar on Site Speed

Hotjar itself states that its tracking code is meant to have minimal effect on performance, as recordings and heatmaps only function for modern browsers that can efficiently handle JavaScript. However, some reports have shown Hotjar adding up to half a second of load time according to metrics tools. On the upper end, one source estimated an increase of 500 milliseconds from Hotjar alone. 


Impact on Site Speed


829 ms


68 ms


124 ms


00 ms

When compared to alternatives, Hotjar appears to have a more pronounced impact on speed based on available data. Mouseflow and CrazyEgg, two other popular options, have been observed to carry less of a performance penalty. Of course, every site is unique and speed can vary depending on other optimization factors as well.

HotJar vs Deepbux

Feature/Aspect Deepbux Hotjar
Speed Impact No impact (Lightweight tracking code) Almost 1 second slowdown
Pricing Free Forever Plan: $0
Premium Plan: $29/m
Free Plan: $0
Premium Plan: $34/m
User Limit Up to 10 individual users Not specified
Data Storage 20GB individual data 365 days data storage
Support Basic chat support Not specified
Analytics Basic reporting + analytics Analyze underlying recordings & heatmaps
Heatmaps Yes Yes
Session Recordings Not specified Not specified
Events Tracking Attend events Events API: track user actions
Engagement Tools Intelligent engagement widgets Rage clicks & u-turns chart
Feedback Tools Not specified User sentiment chart
Automatic Updates Yes Not specified
Other Features Audit log and notes, Feature requests Top pages chart

How To Reduce The Impact of Hotjar on Site Speed

For businesses that rely on tools like Hotjar for user behavior insights, it is important to understand ways to minimize any potential slowdowns these services may cause. has identified several effective approaches based on best practices.

  • Use with its lightweight tracking code and low impact on speed.
  • Use Hotjar's sampling feature to record a subset of visitors rather than all traffic, reducing the tracking load.
  • Optimize website images by keeping file sizes small, so they load quickly and help offset other demands on bandwidth. 
  • Leverage Hotjar's asynchronous loading option to prevent the tracking script from blocking other page elements and improve load times.  
  • Take advantage of Hotjar's global CDN for faster, geographically distributed access to its code through proper CDN implementation.
  • Time when Hotjar initializes by using Google Tag Manager's built-in timer or delaying startup until after the initial user interaction, like a click or scroll, to prevent slowing the initial page view.
  • Consider Hotjar's free plan limitations if the pro version's more advanced features aren't necessary; the free option has a lighter resource impact.
  • Monitor site speed with a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights both before and after making Hotjar implementation changes to ensure the desired impact reduction was achieved.
  • Contact Hotjar support if further optimization is needed as they continue enhancing the tool's performance characteristics based on customer feedback.

For most businesses, the trade-off of a fractional speed decrease is likely worthwhile compared to gaining visibility into the user experience. Hotjar's data drives improvements that increase conversions and long-term performance. With the right setup and ongoing optimization, the tool's benefits can far outweigh initial page load times costs.


While Hotjar provides valuable insights into user behavior and experiences on a website, it is important to consider its potential effects on performance. As discussed, Hotjar's tracking script introduces additional HTTP requests and JavaScript processing that can modestly increase page load times. However, with proper configuration, Hotjar leverages techniques like asynchronous loading and CDNs that help minimize these impacts. 

Ultimately, the benefits of Hotjar must be weighed against the potential costs to site speed. Hotjar imposes negligible slowdowns for most modern websites, especially when its features are optimized. The user experience insights gained often justify minor reductions in performance. Provided a site also prioritizes ongoing speed optimization, Hotjar need not negatively impact the user. Its detailed behavioral analytics, in turn, can help enhance conversions, reduce bounce rates, and improve overall experiences on the site. 

In these ways, Hotjar remains well worth considering as an important tool for any business seeking to understand better and serve their online users.

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Here are some of the questions that have propped up a number of times from our customers.

What is DeepBux?

Deepbux is a website visitor analytics and engagement tool. Deepbux aims to help website owners increase their website conversion rate by helping them track, analyze and engage with their website visitors.

Can DeepBux help me increase my revenue?

Increasing your website conversion rate by 1% can double your website revenue. Deepbux aims to help increase your website conversion rate so you can increase your revenue without increasing your cost.

How does DeepBux work?

Deepbux uses a simple website pixel to track , analyze and share notification widgets with your website visitors. With Deepbux, you can track visitor sessions, create heatmaps, record visitor sessions to see what they do on your website and finally engage with your website visitors actively using our notification widgets.

Is DeepBux easy to use?

Deepbux is easy to use, with an intuitive user interface anyone can use Deepbux no matter their experience level with analytics.

What are the available pricing plans

Deepbux has 3 major plans, Starter plan at $29 per month, Growth Plan at $$69 per month and finally an Ultimate plan at $99 per month.

Is there a free trial for Deepbux?

Instead of a default free trial plan, we offer a Completely Free forever plan for all our users. However, if you intend to get more features before committing to a plan, reach out to us and we will set you up with a 30-day Free trial.

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Can I resell Deepbux features as an agency?

No you cannot resell Deepbux features as an Agency. You can however onboard your agency clients to Deepbux as team members. If you need more website capacity, reach out to us at to get a customized plan for your agency.

What are the types of businesses that use Deepbux?

Deepbux is suitable for any business with a website and has a desired action or goal to optimize for. We typically find ourself popular amount E-commerce websites, Blogs, SAAS websites, travel websites and financial services websites.