How To Create URL Segments on Google Analytics

The key advantages of Google Analytics Segments include tracking the success of marketing campaigns by evaluating the performance of landing pages or campaign-specific URLs, identifying user behavior patterns on critical pages, measuring engagement and conversion rates, and making data-driven decisions to improve content and user experience. This feature empowers businesses to focus their efforts where they matter most, enhancing overall website effectiveness and marketing strategies. The significance of Google Analytics segmentation by URL in web analytics includes precision in analysis, campaign evaluation, content optimization, and conversion analysis.
Written by
Fredrick Eghosa
Published on
October 26, 2023
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The concept of Google Analytics segmentation by URL involves dividing and analyzing website visitor data based on specific URLs or web page addresses. This segmentation allows you to isolate and study user behavior and interactions on particular pages, which can be incredibly valuable for various purposes.

The key advantages of Google Analytics Segments include tracking the success of marketing campaigns by evaluating the performance of landing pages or campaign-specific URLs, identifying user behavior patterns on critical pages, measuring engagement and conversion rates, and making data-driven decisions to improve content and user experience. This feature empowers businesses to focus their efforts where they matter most, enhancing overall website effectiveness and marketing strategies. The significance of Google Analytics segmentation by URL in web analytics includes precision in analysis, campaign evaluation, content optimization, and conversion analysis.

In this article, we will be sharing with you how to properly gain insights with this powerful tool. We will also give and explain advanced tools that can help with URL segmentation and tips for effectively using them. At the end of this article, you'll surely be able to make moves to improve your online presence. Let's begin.


The Concept of URL Segmenting

Google Analytics segments are powerful tools that allow you to isolate and analyze specific subsets of your website traffic. They enable you to dive deeper into your data, uncover hidden trends, and make informed decisions to improve your website's performance.

Segments are essentially filters that you apply to your Google Analytics data to focus on a particular group of users or sessions. These filters can be based on various criteria, such as demographics, device type, traffic source, user behavior, or specific page visits.

Segmenting by URL is a powerful technique for analyzing user behavior based on the pages they visit on your website. You can create segments based on specific URLs, URL patterns, or URL parameters.

For instance, you can create a segment for users who visited a specific landing page, allowing you to analyze their conversion rate, engagement metrics, and overall behavior. You can also create segments based on URL parameters, such as tracking codes for marketing campaigns, to evaluate the performance of different campaigns.

Benefits of Using Google Analytics Segments

  1. Targeted Analysis: Segments allow you to focus on specific user groups, providing insights into their behavior, preferences, and engagement levels. This targeted analysis helps you tailor your website and marketing strategies to better cater to different audiences.
  2. Granular Insights: Segments enable you to go beyond aggregate data and delve into more granular insights. You can analyze metrics like bounce rate, conversion rate, and session duration for specific segments, revealing patterns and trends that might be hidden in the overall data.
  3. Campaign Performance Evaluation: Segments are invaluable for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By creating segments based on campaign parameters, you can track the performance of specific campaigns, identify which channels are driving the most valuable traffic, and optimize your campaigns accordingly.
  4. User Engagement Analysis: Segments can reveal how different user groups engage with your website. You can analyze metrics like time on page, scroll depth, and exit rate for specific segments, identifying areas where users are dropping off or losing interest.

Setting up URL segments:

Creating a segment based on URL conditions in Google Analytics involves defining criteria to filter your website traffic based on specific page visits. Here's a step-by-step guide with screenshots:

  1. Access Segment Builder: Sign in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the 'Audience' tab. Click on the '+ Add Segment' button and select '+ New Segment'.







  1. Name your segment: Provide a descriptive name for your segment, such as 'Landing Page Visitors' or 'Product Page Traffic'. This helps you identify the segment later.


  1. Define Conditions: Click on 'Conditions' and select 'Conditions' again. Under 'Dimension', choose 'Page'.






  1. Set URL criteria: In the 'Operator' field, select the matching option for your URL criteria. Options include:
  • Contains: Filters users who visited any URL containing the specified string.
  • Begins with: Filters users who visited URLs starting with the specified string.
  • Ends with: Filters users who visited URLs ending with the specified string.
  • Exactly matches: Filters users who visited the exact URL specified.
  1. Enter URL Pattern: In the 'Value' field, enter the URL pattern or specific URL you want to filter for. For instance, if you want to segment users who visited your 'About Us' page, enter '/about-us'.
  2. Add Multiple Conditions (Optional): If you want to combine multiple URL conditions, click '+ AND' or '+ OR' to add more conditions. This allows you to create complex segments based on various URL patterns.
  • Using 'AND': filters users who satisfy all specified URL conditions.
  • Using 'OR': Filters users who satisfy any of the specified URL conditions.
  1. Save Your Segment: Once you've defined your conditions, click 'Save'. Your segment will now be available for applying to various reports and analyzing specific user behavior based on URL visits.


Use Cases and Examples

Segmenting by URL in Google Analytics offers a range of practical applications for analyzing user behavior, evaluating website performance, and optimizing marketing campaigns. Here are some key use cases for segmenting by URL:

1. Analyzing Traffic Flow and User Journeys:

  • Identify the most popular entry and exit pages on your website.
  • Understand how users navigate between different sections of your website.
  • Uncover common paths users take before completing a conversion or abandoning the site.

2. Evaluating Page Performance and User Engagement:

  • Analyze metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and scroll depth for specific URLs or URL patterns.
  • Identify pages that are performing well and those that need improvement in terms of content, design, or user experience.
  • Understand how different user groups engage with specific pages based on their interests or demographics.

3. Measuring Marketing Campaign Effectiveness:

  • Create segments based on URL parameters or unique landing pages used for specific marketing campaigns.
  • Analyze metrics like traffic volume, conversion rate, and engagement metrics for each campaign segment.
  • Identify which campaigns are driving the most valuable traffic and which need adjustments in targeting or messaging.

4. Optimizing Content and User Experience:

  • Compare engagement metrics for different types of content, such as blog posts, product pages, or informational pages.
  • Identify content that resonates with users and content that needs improvement or promotion.
  • Understand how users interact with different page elements, such as calls-to-action, navigation menus, or forms.

5. Identifying User Behavior Patterns:

  • Segment users based on the specific pages they visit to understand their interests and preferences.
  • Analyze how different user groups navigate through your website and what content they engage with.
  • Discover patterns in user behavior that can inform content strategy, website design, and marketing campaigns.


Some real-world scenarios where URL segmentation can be beneficial include:

1. Analyzing Landing Page Performance:

  • Create a segment for users who visited a specific landing page.
  • Analyze metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, and time on page to assess the effectiveness of the landing page.
  • Identify areas for improvement, such as adjusting the call-to-action or refining the page content.

2. Evaluating Blog Post Engagement:

  • Create a segment for users who visited a particular blog post or a group of blog posts.
  • Analyze metrics like average time on page, scroll depth, and exit rate to understand user engagement.
  • Identify which blog posts are performing well and which need improvement in terms of content, structure, or promotion.

3. Tracking Product Page Performance:

  • Create a segment for users who visited a specific product page or a category of product pages.
  • Analyze metrics like add-to-cart rate, purchase completion rate, and time spent on product pages.
  • Identify areas for improvement, such as product descriptions, pricing, or product images.

4. Measuring Marketing Campaign Effectiveness:

  • Create segments based on URL parameters or unique landing pages used for specific marketing campaigns.
  • Analyze metrics like traffic volume, conversion rate, and engagement metrics for each campaign segment.
  • Identify which campaigns are driving the most valuable traffic and which need adjustments in targeting or messaging.


Analyzing user behavior

URL segments in Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into user engagement, bounce rates, and conversion rates for specific pages or sections of a website by allowing you to isolate and analyze data related to those areas. Here's how it works:


1. User Engagement Insights: By creating URL segments, you can focus on particular pages or sections of your website. This enables you to examine user engagement metrics, such as time on page, page views, and the number of sessions that include interactions with those specific pages.


High engagement metrics (e.g., longer time on page and multiple pageviews) indicate that users find the content on those pages engaging and valuable. Low engagement metrics may suggest that users are not finding the content on those pages as compelling, which can trigger further investigation and content optimization.


2. Bounce Rate Analysis: The bounce rate is the percentage of single-page sessions where users leave the website after viewing only one page. URL segments help in analyzing bounce rates for specific pages or sections.


High bounce rates for a segmented URL may imply that users are not finding what they expected or that the page lacks engaging elements. This insight can guide efforts to improve content, design, or the user experience. Conversely, low bounce rates suggest that users are interested and continue to explore other parts of the website after visiting the segmented page.


3. Conversion Rate Tracking: URL segmentation is highly effective in tracking conversion rates for specific pages or sections. A conversion rate is the percentage of users who complete a desired action, like making a purchase or filling out a contact form.


By isolating pages associated with conversion actions, you can determine how well those specific pages contribute to your overall conversion goals. High conversion rates for segmented URLs indicate effective landing pages or product pages, while low rates may signal the need for improvements. Additionally, tracking conversion rates for different sections of the website can help allocate marketing efforts and resources to the most successful areas.



Monitoring marketing campaigns

URL segments are instrumental in tracking and optimizing the performance of different marketing channels or campaigns. Here's how you achieve this:


1. Campaign-Specific Segmentation: You can run multiple marketing campaigns across various channels, such as email marketing, social media, PPC advertising, and more. Each campaign typically directs users to specific landing pages, or URLs. URL segments allow for the isolation of data associated with each campaign. By segmenting data based on campaign-specific URLs, marketers can precisely assess the impact of individual campaigns.


2. Traffic Sources and Conversion Rates: You can analyze which traffic sources are driving visitors to your website and how these visitors behave. URL segments help identify which channels have higher conversion rates and which ones need improvement. You can also determine which campaigns or channels are delivering the most engagement and converting visitors. This insight informs budget allocation and resource distribution for future marketing efforts.


3. A/B Testing and Optimization: URL segments are invaluable for A/B testing and optimization. You can create segments for different versions of landing pages or campaign-specific pages and compare their performance. By analyzing metrics like bounce rates, conversion rates, and time on page, you can identify which page variations perform better. This informs decisions about design, copywriting, and calls to action, leading to data-driven improvements.


4. Budget Allocation: Effective URL segmentation provides data that aids in budget allocation decisions. You can allocate resources to channels or campaigns that are driving the most significant ROI, improving overall marketing efficiency.


5. Attribution Modeling: URL segments play a role in attribution modeling, helping you understand the customer journey across different marketing touchpoints. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the influence of each channel on conversions.


6. Data-Driven Decisions: The insights gained from URL segments will empower you to make data-driven decisions. You can focus your efforts on what works, fine-tune underperforming campaigns, and optimize strategies for better results.


Challenges and limitations

Using URL segments in Google Analytics offers numerous benefits, but there are also potential challenges to consider:


  1. For URL segmentation to be effective, you need consistent URL structures. If URLs are frequently changed or lack a standardized format, it becomes challenging to create and maintain accurate URL segments. 


Inconsistent URL structures can lead to inaccuracies in your segmented data, making it difficult to draw meaningful insights. It's crucial to ensure proper URL structure and consistency across your website.


  1. When URLs are altered, segments that were based on the previous URL structure may become invalid. This can happen due to website redesigns, content reorganization, or even simple changes in naming conventions.


URL changes can disrupt your historical data and segment configurations, making it necessary to update and recreate segments. Failing to do so can lead to incorrect or incomplete data analysis.


  1. If segments are not carefully defined, there's a risk of overlapping. For instance, if you create segments for blog articles with URLs containing "/blog," but your "news" pages also contain "/blog," the data for both blog articles and news articles will be mixed.


Overlapping segments can provide misleading insights. To address this challenge, it's essential to create precise segment definitions that do not intersect in unintended ways.


  1. URL segments in Google Analytics work best with consistent data. If you start using URL segments on a site with a limited historical dataset, it may be challenging to establish trends and make informed decisions.


Limited historical data can restrict your ability to draw long-term insights. In such cases, it's important to be aware of this limitation and consider using other analytical methods to supplement your data.


  1. Creating and managing URL segments can be time-consuming, especially for websites with numerous pages or complex URL structures.


The time and effort required for segment setup may deter some users. It's essential to strike a balance between the level of detail required and the practicality of implementation.



Best Practices

To effectively use URL segmentation in Google Analytics and maximize its benefits, consider the following tips and best practices:


  • Ensure your website maintains consistent and organized URL structures. This makes it easier to create and manage URL segments.


  • If you make changes to URLs, document them. Keep track of old and new URLs to update your URL segments accordingly and maintain historical data accuracy.


  • Give your segments clear and descriptive names that reflect their purpose. This makes it easier for you and your team to identify the segments.


  • Be precise when defining your segments to avoid overlaps. Ensure that the criteria for each segment are distinct and do not unintentionally capture the same data.


  • Periodically review your segments to ensure they remain relevant and accurate. Update or create new segments as needed to align with your evolving goals and website changes.


  • When dealing with more complex URL structures or patterns, consider using regular expressions (regex) to create advanced segments. Regex provides greater flexibility in segment definition.


  • Use UTM parameters in your campaign URLs. These allow you to track the performance of specific marketing campaigns more effectively. Google's Campaign URL Builder can help you generate these parameters.


  • Combine different URL segments to gain comprehensive insights. For example, create a segment that includes all campaign-specific segments to analyze the overall impact of marketing efforts.


  • Make use of annotations in Google Analytics to document significant changes or events related to URL segments. Annotations help in understanding data fluctuations.


  • Be aware of Google Analytics data retention policies, as they can affect the availability of historical data for your segments. Adjust the settings as needed.


  • Ensure your team understands how to work with URL segments effectively. Provide training and documentation to maximize their utility.


  • Continuously monitor and analyze data through your URL segments. Keep an eye on performance metrics, make data-driven decisions, and use the insights to optimize your website and marketing strategies.



Advanced Segmentation Options

Google Analytics offers several advanced features and tools that can enhance URL segmentation and provide more in-depth insights into website performance and user behavior. Some of these features include:


1. Custom Dimensions and Metrics: Custom dimensions and metrics allow you to create and track specific data points related to user interactions, content, or campaigns. By applying custom dimensions to your URL segments, you can add additional layers of segmentation based on custom variables, such as user types, product categories, or any other relevant criteria.


2. Advanced Filters: Google Analytics provides advanced filtering options that can be used in conjunction with URL segments. Advanced filters enable you to refine the data included in your segments by specifying complex conditions and combining multiple filters. This can help you create highly specific segments for precise analysis.


3. Event Tracking: Event tracking in Google Analytics allows you to monitor user interactions beyond standard page views, such as clicks on buttons, downloads, video views, and more. You can create URL segments based on these events, helping you understand user engagement with specific website elements.


4. Content Grouping: Content grouping enables you to categorize your website content into logical groups. You can then create URL segments based on these content groups, making it easier to analyze user behavior and performance across different sections of your website.


5. Enhanced E-commerce Tracking: For e-commerce websites, enhanced e-commerce tracking is a powerful feature that allows you to create URL segments based on product interactions, transaction data, and shopping behavior. This is especially beneficial for tracking product-specific performance and optimizing the online shopping experience.


6. User Explorer: The User Explorer feature in Google Analytics provides individual-level insights into user behavior. While not directly related to URL segmentation, it complements the data by allowing you to drill down into specific user journeys and interactions, helping you identify how users navigate through segmented pages.


7. Segment Sequences: Segment sequences enable you to create sequences of segments, providing a more complex view of user behavior. This feature can help you analyze multi-step user journeys and the impact of multiple segments on conversion paths.


How to use Deepbux’s tools alongside Google Analytics segments

Integrating Deepbux's tools with Google Analytics segments, along with heatmaps, real-time tracking, and session recordings, can provide a powerful combination for analyzing and optimizing your website's performance. Here's how to use these tools together:


1. Access Deepbux and Google Analytics: Ensure you have access to both Deepbux's tools and Google Analytics for your website.


2. Create Google Analytics Segments: First, create the specific Google Analytics segments you want to analyze using URL segmentation. This can be based on marketing campaigns, specific pages, or any other criteria relevant to your analysis.


3. Integrate Google Analytics with Deepbux: Depending on the specific integration capabilities of Deepbux, you may need to link your Google Analytics account with Deepbux. This step allows Deepbux to access your Google Analytics data.


4. Access Heatmaps: Once the integration is set up, navigate to the heatmap tool within Deepbux. Select the specific webpage or page section you want to analyze. You can apply your Google Analytics segments to these heatmaps, which will allow you to see user interactions segmented based on your criteria.


5. Analyze Heatmaps: With Google Analytics segments applied to your heatmaps, you can see how users from different segments interact with your web pages. This helps you understand where users are clicking, where they're dropping off, and where they're engaging the most.


6. Real-Time Tracking: Deepbux's real-time tracking feature allows you to monitor user interactions on your site as they happen. You can apply Google Analytics segments to this data to see how users from different segments are navigating your site in real time. This can be valuable for monitoring the immediate impact of marketing campaigns.


7. Session Recordings: Session recordings in Deepbux provide video recordings of user sessions on your site. Apply your Google Analytics segments to these recordings to analyze how different user groups interact with your website, identify pain points, and discover where improvements are needed.


8. Data-Driven Insights: By using Google Analytics segments alongside Deepbux's tools, you can derive data-driven insights. For instance, you can identify which segment is most engaged with your content, which segments have high bounce rates, or which segments convert the best.


9. Optimize Your Website: Use the insights gained from this analysis to optimize your website. Make improvements to pages with high bounce rates, enhance the user experience for specific segments, and refine marketing strategies based on real-time data.


10. Monitor and iterate: Continuously monitor the performance of your segments using Deepbux's tools and Google Analytics. Iterate your website and marketing strategies based on the ongoing analysis to improve user engagement and conversions.


Final Thoughts

URL segmentation and the integration of Deepbux tools play a pivotal role in optimizing website performance and crafting effective marketing strategies. URL segmentation, as a feature within Google Analytics, enables users to break down and examine data based on specific URLs, providing valuable insights into user behavior and website effectiveness. On the other hand, Deepbux offers tools like heatmaps, real-time tracking, and session recordings that give a more comprehensive view of user interactions and website performance.


The combination of these tools offers a wealth of data and insights that can be harnessed for strategic decision-making. It allows for a deep dive into user engagement patterns, the success of marketing campaigns, and the efficiency of content. Through accurate segmentation, it becomes possible to understand the strengths and weaknesses of various website sections, improving the overall user experience.


The integration of Deepbux's tools alongside Google Analytics segments provides a dynamic synergy. Heatmaps visually represent user interactions, real-time tracking offers immediate insights, and session recordings provide a detailed view of individual user experiences. These tools collectively contribute to a comprehensive analysis of how users navigate and interact with the website.


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What is DeepBux?

Deepbux is a website visitor analytics and engagement tool. Deepbux aims to help website owners increase their website conversion rate by helping them track, analyze and engage with their website visitors.

Can DeepBux help me increase my revenue?

Increasing your website conversion rate by 1% can double your website revenue. Deepbux aims to help increase your website conversion rate so you can increase your revenue without increasing your cost.

How does DeepBux work?

Deepbux uses a simple website pixel to track , analyze and share notification widgets with your website visitors. With Deepbux, you can track visitor sessions, create heatmaps, record visitor sessions to see what they do on your website and finally engage with your website visitors actively using our notification widgets.

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What are the types of businesses that use Deepbux?

Deepbux is suitable for any business with a website and has a desired action or goal to optimize for. We typically find ourself popular amount E-commerce websites, Blogs, SAAS websites, travel websites and financial services websites.